Manuel Guerra Pinheiro, Paulo Reis & Associados – Sociedade de Advogados, RL (G–Advogados) is a Law Firm established in Lisbon, registered at the Portuguese Bar Association.
The Firm is the result of a concentration of several independent law offices, gathering different areas of expertise and of scientific and technical qualification, consolidating the respective acquired values and structuring the rendering of legal services within a dimension compatible with a high differentiation of demand, on account not only of their nature but also of their origin – resident and non-resident.
Strongly committed to maintain, in the main areas of Law, the ability to timely and diligently interpret the needs or the conveniences of its Clients, G–Advogados privileges a relationship of stable and global services allowing the Firm to deal on a standing way with the universe of interests it represents and, if possible, to anticipate opportunities.
Sustained by a strong multidisciplinary team and by an information and management system designed and constantly focused on the purpose to guarantee a high flexibility of adaptation to subjacent situations and to enable a demanding control of efficacy in its procedures, G–Advogados bets on a continuous optimisation of the available resources and on obtaining real gains of valuation and of maintenance of the established relationships for the rendering of services.
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